

Module List

Select the Module List by clicking the middle button of the three MODULES buttons at the top of the display.

In the B Mode (processed track), you can add as many processing modules as needed for the mastering job.

  • Modules can be dragged and dropped from the Library into the Module List, or double-click on a module in the Library and it will appear after the selected Module in the Module List.
  • Alternatively, use the Modules menu in the top left corner of the application, as described previously, to add, delete and otherwise work with the modules.
  • The Module List view shows the serial processing order of the different modules in the project.
  • Each module can be bypassed or engaged using the “power button.” The module will turn grey and it will have no effect on the audio while bypassed.
  • Modules that feature Solo/Audition, like Multiband Compressors, will have an available Audition button in the Module List.   
  • The Module order can be changed by dragging and dropping.
  • Remove a module using the key command Backspace/Delete.

Saving a Module Chain

When you have created a good list of modules for a project, you can save it in the Library as a new Module Chain. It can then be recalled by clicking on it in the Module Chains list.

  • Using the Info menu at the top of the modules list, save the current processing chain as a preset with a new title and author name. Default name is User. When logged in to your name will appear as preset Author.
  • The new preset module chain will include the current list of modules in the list, including their settings, and the current Limiter module, but it does not include the Prepare or Export modules.
  • The new preset will appear in the list of Module Chains in the Library, for later recall.
  • It can be deleted using the trash can symbol in the Module Chains List.
  • If you make any changes to an existing Module Chain, an asterisk will appear next to the Info* as a reminder that something has changed.
Tip: Saving your current Module Chain and recalling it in Preview mode from the Library, can be a way to compare it against other Module Chains when different processing approaches are being evaluated. 

Recalling a Module Chain

To recall a factory or user module chain:

  • Double-click on the desired module chain shown in the list of module chains in the Library. Now you can listen to the chain in Preview mode without needing to wait for the background calculation to finish the SPECTRO LAB measurements.
  • To accept the module chain recall, click on the “Tick” as shown, or X to cancel. Note that the previous module list including the Limiter module will be removed and the new module chain added. Prepare and Export settings remain the same. After accepting the chain, the SPECTRO LAB measurements will be performed and shown.

Using Focus

With the Focus button at the top of the Modules List View, you can bypass the modules after the selected module in the processing chain. Note that the Limiter module may become bypassed and the monitor output could possibly send out +0 dBTP signals and potentially be clipping in the following monitor chain. 

  • In the example below, the Dyn EQ Neutral 63 module was first highlighted, before pressing Focus.
  • All modules below this module, including the Limiter module will be bypassed while Focus is engaged. This allows you to audition the effect of the first five modules only.

There are 3 modules that are always present in the Modules List: Prepare, Limiter and Export. Of these, there are only presets for the Limiter in the Library and the Module Chain project presets does not include the Prepare or Export settings either.


Prepare Module

The process is initiated by the Prepare module where you set the project sample rate and choose the high quality SRC sample rate conversion filter for the source file, if needed. 
In the Prepare module you also set the Normalization Level on the source file so it fits the dynamic range of the monitor playback channel well. 

Export Module 

The processing chain ends with the Export module where you set the output file format, Bit Depth, Sample Rate and filter, Dither and a Suffix, plus the path to where the file is saved. You will be prompted to set the file name.

Finalizer has Infinite Headroom

Unlike an analog chain, or many DAW-based solutions, or cross-brand plugin-setups, the Finalizer has true infinite signal headroom. Therefore, there is no risk of any unintentional clipping or distortion anywhere inside the application, from source file to file export. Normally, one of the Limiters is enabled at the end of the chain, taking care of adjusting the overall level and loudness, and preventing clipping in the exported file. 
There is also no need for adjusting a lot of gains in the chain to ensure that all processing modules are fed optimally. We have removed all unneeded gain parameters to obtain a fast and solid workflow. 
For keeping a constant and calibrated monitoring level while working, please refer to the Level Normalization in the Prepare module, the Loudness button in the Monitor section and the REF or UNITY buttons in the Monitor section.
  • The Monitor output has no explicit limiter, so if the Limiter in the processing chain is temporarily bypassed (by using Focus or the Limiter’s bypass button), you may be feeding a signal that’s too hot to your monitor output, exceeding 0 dBFS. This can make the monitor output chain distort. In this case, the Red overload dot in the Monitor section will light up. The red dot is reset by mouse-clicking on it. 
A temporary solution may be to reduce the output level of the Finalizer via the Fader Gain in the Monitor section. If you run into clipping in the monitor path multiple times, you may also consider lowering the Normalization Level in the Prepare module and this way reserve better margin in the monitor path while you work.